湿地松(Pidnus elliottii Engelm),火炬松(Pinustaera L)原产美国东南部,三十年代引入我国,在我国南方诸省区引种成功,历年造林400多万亩,并已开花结实.我省1972年开始引进,省林业厅每年从国外进口湿地松,火炬松(以下简称两松)种子200斤左右,目前已造林15717亩,其中驻马店地区1万亩,信阳地区3100亩,南阳地区2617亩。经过几年来的调查对比试验,湿地松、火炬松在生长量、抗性等方面显著优于当地同等立地条件下马尾松,杉木,黑松等树种,在我省具有广阔的发展前景。
Pidnus elliottii Engelm and Pinus latifolia originated in the southeastern United States. They were introduced into China in the 1930s and introduced successfully in all provinces and autonomous regions in the south of our country. The introduction of the year, the provincial Forestry Department imported from abroad each year pine, loblolly pine (hereinafter referred to as two pine) seeds about 200 pounds, has been afforestation 15,717 acres, of which 10,000 acres Zhumadian District, 3100 acres in Xinyang, 2617 acres in Nanyang. After several years of investigation and comparison tests, Pinus elliottii and Pinus taeda were significantly superior to those of Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus thunbergii in growth, resistance and other aspects under the same local conditions, which have broad prospects for development in our province.