产能过剩热讨论 见仁见智冷思考

来源 :中国水泥 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gui_123456
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产能过剩的问题困扰水泥行业多年,当前这一现象仍在进一步加剧,盲目扩大产能的势头尚未得到有效地遏制。越来越突出的产能过剩问题,不利于水泥产业竞争力的提升,不仅造成资源消耗严重,还严重污染了环境,许多企业生存堪忧。《中国水泥》特别本期邀请众多行业内知名专家、有影响力人物对这一热点话题进行讨论,对于产能过剩 The problem of overcapacity plaguing the cement industry for many years, the current situation is still further aggravated, the momentum of blindly expanding production capacity has not been effectively curbed. More and more prominent overcapacity problems are not conducive to the upgrading of the competitiveness of the cement industry, not only causing serious resource consumption, but also a serious pollution of the environment, many businesses worrying about survival. “China Cement” special invited many well-known experts in many industries, influential people to discuss this hot topic, for overcapacity