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古希腊时期的泰勒斯善于观察天象,有一次,他因专注于天上的星空,不慎跌入脚下的坑里,幸好被人救上来。出于感激,他告诉那个人明天要下雨。那人不信,摇摇头走了,还把泰勒斯的忠告当笑话讲给别人听。第二天果真下雨了。周围人对泰勒斯渊博的天文学知识不以为然,讥讽他只知道天上的东西,看不见脚下的东西。对此,秦勒斯付之一笑,依然专注于对自然现象的观察和对宇宙的思考,后来成为西方思想史上第一位科学家和哲学家。时隔2300多年,德国哲学家黑格尔听到了这个故事,有感而发说了一句名言:只有那些永远躺在坑里从不仰望高空的人,才不会掉进坑里。泰勒斯生活于公元前6~7世纪。那时,神话是希腊人的主导意识形态。泰勒斯突破神话观念对自然现象的猜测附会,力图从自然本身的现象中来理解自然方面的问题。他利用日影测量了金字塔的高度,准确预测了一次日食,确认小熊星座对航海的重要性,将一年长度修定为365日,发现了至今仍具有应用价值的多个数学定理,第一个提出“什么是万物本原”的哲学命题。人类处于蒙昧时代,秦勒斯却能用理性和智慧的眼光认识自然、 Thales, the ancient Greek period, was good at observing the natural phenomena. Once, he fell into the pit under his feet because of his focus on the sky in the sky. Fortunately, he was rescued. Out of gratitude, he told the person that it was going to rain tomorrow. The man did not believe, shook his head, and also told Thales’s advice as a joke to others. The next day it really rained. People around the Thales profound astronomy knowledge disdain, ridiculed him only to know the things in heaven, can not see the things underfoot. In response, Qin Laugh smiled, still focused on the observation of natural phenomena and thinking of the universe, and later became the first scientist and philosopher in the history of Western thought. After more than 2,300 years, the German philosopher Hegel heard the story, giving the impression that there was a saying: Only those who never lie in the pit and look up at it will not fall into the pit. Thales lived in the 6th to the 7th century BC. At that time, the myth was the dominant ideology of the Greeks. Thales eschewed mythological conception of natural phenomena and attempted to understand the problems of nature from the phenomena of nature itself. He used the shadow of the sun to measure the height of the pyramid, accurately predicted a solar eclipses and confirmed the importance of the constellation of the Cubs to sailing. He revised the length of one year to 365 days and found several mathematical theorems that still have application value to date. A philosophical proposition that states “what is the origin of everything”. Mankind is ignorant of the times, but Qin Liesi can use rational and wisdom of understanding of nature,
患者,女,25岁.自幼出现紫绀,活动后心悸、气短、乏力.体检:体温36℃,脉搏104次/min、呼吸30次/min,血压100/60 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa).面颊、口唇紫绀,杵状指(趾).坐位颈静