近年来,陨石在我国民间炒得火热,假陨石也纷纷亮相,闹出了诸如鸡血石陨石、黄蜡石陨石等笑话,主要原因是科普知识的滞后。为了弘扬科学、服务社会,《矿物爱好者》特别策划、编辑出版了《陨石专辑》一书。《陨石专辑》共分为10部分,既含有陨石的基础知识,又包括权威人士的论述,其内容以科普为主,读者以草根为主,力求让矿友、星友和广大民众都能读懂。联系人:周易杉联系电话:021-5888 4018 010-8389123913611755408
In recent years, meteorites in our country speculation fiery, fake meteorites have also appeared, causing such as heliolite meteorite, yellow wax meteorite jokes, the main reason is the delay of popular science knowledge. In order to promote science and serve the community, “mineral enthusiasts” special planning, editing and publishing “meteorite album” a book. “Meteorite album” is divided into 10 parts, both contains the basic knowledge of meteorites, but also includes the authoritative exposition, the content of popular science, readers based on grassroots, and strive to make mine friends, friends and the general public can understand . Contact: Zhou Shan Shan Tel: 021 -5888 4018 010-8389123913611755408