10月8日,国际景观学与风景园林师联合会(IFLA)2020年杰弗里·杰里科爵士奖揭晓,北京大学建筑与景观设计学院教授俞孔坚荣获该奖项.这是国际景观学与风景园林界授予具有杰出贡献的景观设计师和学者的最高终身成就奖.颁奖典礼上,俞孔坚发表主题演讲,回顾了自己的学术与实践生涯,本文为此次演讲实录.回顾过去,俞孔坚认为,他的乡村景观体验融合了现代的景观和城市主义概念、可持续性和美学观,使他有能力应对当今行业所面临的一些常见挑战.当下,新冠肺炎疫情在全球肆虐,他认为,这正是值得我们清醒反思人类与赖以生存的自然世界之间关系的时刻.但他也相信,在疾病的流行及气候变化等危机下,景观设计的重要性也愈发凸显:景观不仅可以治愈身心,还可以治愈地球本身.“,”On October 8, the 2020 Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award of the International Federation of LandscapeArchitects (IFLA) was awarded to Yu Kongjian, professor of School of Architecture and Landscape of Peking University. This highest honor for landscape architects and scholars recognizes their outstanding lifelong achievements. This article is a record of his speech given in the award ceremony that summarized his academic and professional careers. Looking back, Yu held that his village landscape experiences, melded with modern concepts of landscape and urbanism, sustainability and aesthetics, enables him to deal with the common challenges faced by the landscape architecture industry today. At the moment, the global COVID-19 pandemic is a powerful reminder that this is an incredibly sobering time to contemplate the relationship between humans and the nature. He also believed that the pandemic—together with other crises such as climate change—is highlighting the importance of landscape architecture that can not only healbodies and minds, but also the planet itself.