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兴趣是人们积极参与某项活动的内在动力,尤其对于学生而言,兴趣是激发学生学习欲望、提高学习效率的源动力。物理本身是一门趣味性和实用性较强的学科,但是大部分学生却认为物理难学,如何激发学生学习物理知识的兴趣,调动起学生参与物理教学探究活动的积极性,进而提高学生物理学习的效率,是当前物理教师必须重点解决的问题。 Interest is the intrinsic motivation for people to participate actively in an activity. Especially for students, interest is the motivation for stimulating students’ desire to learn and improving their learning efficiency. Physics itself is an interesting and practical subject, but most students think that physics is hard to learn, how to stimulate students’ interest in studying physics knowledge, arouse their enthusiasm for participating in physics teaching and exploring activities, The efficiency is the current physics teachers must focus on solving the problem.