暖暖的阳光从窗缝中挤进来,慢慢地在空气中飘散开来。嗅着阳光的味道,细细品味着《师生情》,一种久违的情愫悠然升起,拨动着我的心弦: 20年过去了,往事淡如烟。20年过去了,往事醇似酒。 20年前,在我的生活里有一个难忘的她。每天,她站在讲台上,向我们述说着世界的变化。她和我们一 起激动,一起愤懑,一起赞叹,一起欢笑,为那无情飞逝的斑斓岁月,为那飞速发展的人类文明。 那时,我经常忘记她的年龄,觉得她会永远年轻。她是我心目中的仙女。
The warm sunshine squeezed in through the window slit and slowly floated in the air. Smell the taste of the sun, savor the “teacher and student love,” a long absence, love suddenly rise, beating my heart: 20 years later, the past pale. 20 years later, the past alcoholic. Twenty years ago, there was a memorable her in my life. Every day, she stood on the podium and told us about the changes in the world. She was excited with us, resentful together, admired and laughed aloud, for the glorious years of glittering years and the rapidly developing human civilization. At that time, I often forget her age, think she will always be young. She is my fairy.