肿瘤热疗特别是高强度聚焦超声(H IFU)技术,已成为一种重要且非常具有前景的肿瘤治疗方法,温度是直接决定热疗效果的重要参数,实时准确的进行深部无创测温是目前制约肿瘤热疗进一步发展的一项关键技术。近来利用磁共振成像(M R I)进行无创测温,正受到越来越多的研究者的重视。本文简述了M R I无创测温的三种方法,比较了不同测温原理的特点和适用条件,报道了已有研究发展状况,并介绍了尚待解决的问题。
Tumor hyperthermia, especially HIFU, has become an important and promising tumor treatment method. Temperature is an important parameter that directly determines the effect of hyperthermia. Real-time and accurate deep non-invasive temperature measurement is the current Restricting the further development of tumor hyperthermia a key technology. Recently, the use of magnetic resonance imaging (M R I) for noninvasive temperature measurement is receiving more and more researchers’ attention. In this paper, three methods of noninvasive temperature measurement of MRI are briefly described. The characteristics and applicable conditions of different temperature measurement principles are compared. The existing research and development status is reported, and the problems to be solved are also introduced.