
来源 :作文新天地(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunxunjun2008
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闲暇时翻阅杂志,被一个“作家财富排行榜”的大标题所吸引。文章详细介绍了一些作家们的收入和排名情况。郭敬明以2450万名列第一,南派三叔、郑渊洁、杨红缨分列二、三、四位。看到这个结果,我想好多人并不感到惊讶。因为去书店看看畅销书架摆的作品,你也就明白了,书卖得好,当然赚钱多。我却不禁感叹,如今作家这一行竟是这么吃香吗,收入都到了几千万的程度?怪不得都可以排出个财富榜比拼一下。然而,这又不得不令人深思。这个财富榜的作用何在?是炫富,还是博知名度?莫不是借此来鼓励文坛的后备人才吧? Spread through magazines in their spare time, attracted by the title of a “writer wealth list.” The article details some of the authors’ income and rankings. Gou Jingming ranked 24.5 million first, South Third Uncle, Zheng Yuanjie, Yang Hongying second, third and fourth places. I see a lot of people do not feel surprised to see this result. Because go to the bookstore to see bestseller shelves work, you will understand, the book sold well, of course, make more money. I can not help but sigh, now writers actually this line is so popular, the income has reached tens of millions of degrees? No wonder we can expel a rich list competition. However, this has to be thought-provoking. What is the role of this wealth list? Is to show off the rich, or bo visibility? Is it not to take this to encourage the reserve literary talent, right?
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