随着社会的不断进步,牌匾、广告标 志已成为现代城市的一道亮丽的风景 线。但从目前情况看,牌匾、广告标志在 设置时占用建筑物的公用部位,直接侵 害公用部位所有人合法权益的现象却屡 见不鲜,其中不乏经过行政管理部门行 政批准而设置的。为规范设置行为,最大 限度地发挥广告的宣传作用,笔者就因 不服该类行政批准行为而诉至法院的案 件以及人民法院应如何依法行使司法审 查权谈几点看法。
With the continuous improvement of society, plaques, advertising signs have become a modern city of a beautiful landscape. However, judging from the current situation, it is not uncommon for plaques and advertisement signs to occupy common parts of buildings when they are set up, and to directly infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of owners of common parts. Many of them have been set up under the administrative approval of administrative departments. In order to regulate the setting behavior and maximize the advertising function of advertisement, the writer talked about the case brought to the court because of refusing to accept such administrative approval act and how the people’s court should exercise judicial review right in accordance with the law.