如今的夏金运已经有房有车,然而,你可曾想到,他起家的资本,只是一块小小的抹桌布呢? 10年前,当夏金运做出放弃铁饭碗,下海创业的决定时,认识他的亲友,无不为他捏着一把汗:年过四十的人了,还穷折腾什么呀?创业可不是轻而易举的事,夏金运却毅然走上了充满艰辛的创业之路。天道酬勤。如今的夏金运已经获得了巨大的成功,他的公司由当初只有20台缝纫机的小作坊,变成了拥有1200多名员工的现代化企业。如今的夏金运已经有房有车,然而,你可曾想到,他起家的资本,只是一块小小的抹桌布呢?
Today’s Xia Jinyun already has rooms and cars. However, did you think that his starting capital was only a small wipe? 10 years ago, when Xia Jinyun made a decision to give up his iron rice bowl and venture into the sea, he knew him. His relatives and friends are all gripping his sweat: For those who have passed 40 years, what are they going to do? It’s not an easy task to start a business. Xia Jinyun has resolutely embarked on an entrepreneurial road full of hardships. Heaven rewards diligence. Today’s Xia Jinyun has achieved great success. His company was transformed from a small workshop with only 20 sewing machines to a modern enterprise with 1,200 employees. Today’s Xia Jinyun has rooms and cars. However, did you think that the capital that he started was a small wipe?