
来源 :故事世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenzenghua
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据我校心理辅导中心的年度调查资料显示,在一所大学里,百分之六十四的人有选择性遗忘的现象,意思就是,他们会忘记生活中遭遇到的部分尴尬或不安的经历;有百分之一点四的人拥有主动的记忆删除能力,意思就是,他们可以主动忘记生活中不想回望的某些经历,就像删除硬盘里的文件。当然了,这只是校园调查结果, According to the annual survey conducted by our Psychological Counseling Center, 64% of people in one university have the option of forgetting selectively, meaning they will forget some of the embarrassing or disturbing experiences they encountered in their life ; 1.4% of people have active memory deletion capability, meaning that they can take the initiative to forget some of the experiences of life do not want to look back, just like delete the files on the hard disk. Of course, this is only the result of a school survey.
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