1998年法兰西之夏成就了一个足坛新王者的诞生,而后的2000年欧洲杯他们再次折桂,浪漫的法国人让世人见识了他们的魅力足球。2002年的世界杯法国巨人悲怆倒下,这次他们是败在了“自己人”脚下——来自法甲联赛的塞内加尔球员。今天位列五大联赛的法甲博得了更多的尊重,我们的足迹也将踏上这片迷人的国土,感受一个国际化大都市的足球文化。 巴黎的足球比起这座城市无论在历史还是知名度上都逊色许多,其实大名鼎鼎的巴黎圣日耳曼1970年才成立,之前名垂青史的巴黎竞技和巴黎红星如今只能混迹于低级别联赛了,圣日耳曼成了首都巴黎在足球领域的唯一代表。巴黎是多元化的,没有什
In 1998 the summer of France achievements of the birth of a new football king, and then the 2000 European Championship once again, the romantic French people let the world know their charm football. 2002 World Cup French giant sad down, this time they are defeated at the “own” at the foot - from the French league Senegalese players. Today, the top five league win over more respect for the French law, our footprint will also set foot on this charming land, feel the football culture of an international metropolis. Paris football than the city in terms of history or reputation are inferior to many, in fact, the famous Paris Saint-Germain was founded in 1970, before the famous history of Paris and Paris Red Star can now only be mixed in the low-level league, and St. Germain into The only representative of the capital Paris in the field of football. Paris is diverse, nothing