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门禁系统已在地铁线路中得到广泛应用,逐渐成为保障地铁正常运营必不可少的系统。由于各条地铁线路是分期建设的,不同线路的设备所选用的品牌也各有不同,存在着同一城市多个品牌的门禁系统在不同的线路中分别使用的情况,当多条线路开通运营时,将面临着各线必须分开授权的情况。本文结合门禁系统的特点,对地铁线网授权系统的需求、系统方案、系统功能、接口预留等进行探讨。 Access control system has been widely used in the subway lines, and gradually become the normal operation of the subway system is essential. As each subway line is constructed in installments, the equipment used by different lines is also different in brand selection. There are situations in which multiple access control systems of multiple brands in the same city are respectively used in different lines. When multiple lines are in operation , Will face the situation where the lines must be separately authorized. In this paper, the characteristics of access control system, the subway line network authorization system requirements, system solutions, system functions, interface reservations and so on.
本文主要从汽轮机本体性能、设备缺陷、热力系统状况及汽轮机冷端系统等几个方面分析了东汽600MW超临界机组能耗偏高的原 因,并从工程实践中总结了该类型机组的节能措施和成