
来源 :边疆考古研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zdhks008
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内蒙古中南部黄河两岸地区及黄旗海、岱海地区的考古工作由来已久,自20世纪80年代起,这一地区的田野调查与发掘工作取得了丰硕的成果,对于这一地区仰韶晚期阶段考古学文化面貌的认识也取得了突破性的进展。庙子沟文化作为本地区仰韶晚期阶段的考古学文化,在距今5700~5000年这一阶段产生、发展,并且分为了三种地方类型,即庙子沟类型、阿善二期类型和海生不浪类型~([1])。在黄河上游的甘青地区, The archaeological work in the areas along the Yellow River and in Huangqihai and Daihai in south central and southern Inner Mongolia has been going on for a long time. Since the 1980s, the field investigation and excavation work in this area has yielded fruitful results. For the archeology of the late Yangshao stage in this area Learn the cultural outlook has also made a breakthrough. Miaozigou culture, as the archaeological culture of the late Yangshao period in the region, developed and developed during this period of 5700-5000 years ago and is divided into three types of places, namely, the Miaozigou type, the second Asheji type and the sea Unsolicited type ~ ([1]). Gansu in the upper reaches of the Yellow River,