Split Method of Multipliers and Its Application to Parallel and Distributed Logistic Regression

来源 :Chinese Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lomina
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We consider the scenario where two variables need to be optimized simultaneously. The minimization over one variable has an analytical solution, while it is intractable for the other. Under the Lagrangian dual framework, we propose two iterative optimization algorithms, which make partial minimization and gradient descent alternatingly over two variables. The first algorithm asserts that the iteration result converges to a KKT point under proper stepsize rules, which only needs the augmented Lagrangian function to be convex over partial variable. The second algorithm provides the local attraction property around the KKT point. Our algorithms provide a general solution to parallel and distributed optimization with summable objective functions. Simulation results on parallel and distributed logistic regression classification are present, which show faster convergence rate with less computational complexity compared with other methods. We consider the scenario where two variables need to be optimized simultaneously. The minimization over one variable has an analytical solution, while it is intractable for the other. Under the Lagrangian dual framework, we propose two iterative optimization algorithms, which make partial minimization and gradient The first algorithm asserts that the iteration result converges to a KKT point under proper stepsize rules, which only needs the augmented Lagrangian function to be convex over partial variable. The second algorithm provides the local attraction property around the KKT point . Our algorithms provide a general solution to parallel and distributed optimization with summable objective functions. Simulation results on parallel and distributed logistic regression classification are present, which show express convergence rate with less computational complexity compared with other methods.
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北京大学人民医院妇科主任医师魏丽惠认为,作为一种可防治的恶性肿瘤,宫颈癌在中国的高发并不正常。  2006年,全球首个HPV疫苗在美国上市。在过去的7年间,全世界127个国家已经应用HPV疫苗,大幅降低了引起宫颈癌的HPV患病率和癌前病变发生率。其中许多国家甚至已经将HPV疫苗列入国家计划免疫的范畴。  如今,中国也积极开展了对HPV疫苗的研究和审批。然而,从2013年6月29日“2013宫颈癌防