在每个人都在不停运动的篮球场上,罚球,是最简单的得分方式,也是最不受人重视的。举个例子,你会知道因伤不能出场的史带夫·纳什(Steve Nash)职业生涯罚球命中率是NBA历史第一吗?而且当伟大的奥尼尔(Shaquille O’Neal)宣布退役时,你肯定不会记得他是联盟历史上“唯二”的罚丢了5000个球以上的球员(另一位是威尔特·张伯伦)。可是,在当前防守强度极高的联盟中,罚球已经成为了一种主要得分方式,这种“无人防守”的简单投篮,往往会决定一场重要比赛的结果,在这条距离篮筐5.4米的白线上,也同样上演过各种精彩情节,供人怀念。
Free throws are the easiest way to score points in the basketball court where everyone is on the move and the least important of them. For example, would you know Steve Nash, who can not play because of injury, was the No. 1 overall free throw shooter in the NBA history? And when the great Shaquille O’Neal announced his retirement, you were certain Do not remember that he was a player in League history who lost more than 5,000 goals (the other is Wilt Chamberlain). However, free throws have become a major player in the most defensive league of current defensive styles. This “unprofessional” easy shot often determines the outcome of an important match. In this distance basket 5.4 meters white basket of white lines, also staged a variety of wonderful plot for people to miss.