克里福德·科布(Clifford Cobb)先生是美国著名生态经济学家、社会公共政策专家、“亨利·乔治基金会”高级研究员,现系“邵肯巴赫基金会”主席,他的主要研究方向是“后现代化经济”,他在可持续发展及循环经济研究方面的造诣很深,著有《开放的学校,更新的社群》(1992),《系统教育改革:一个社群主义的方案》(1993),《绿色国民生产》(与小约翰·科布合著,1993),《通向正义之路:亨利·乔治的哲学与经济学》(2001)。该文是根据作者于去年在北京师范大学的演讲稿整理而成。
Clifford Cobb is a prominent American eco-economist, social public policy expert and senior fellow of the Henry George Foundation. Now he is Chairman of the “Shakes Bakery Foundation” and his main research The direction is “postmodern economy”. He is very accomplished in the field of sustainable development and circular economy research. He is the author of “Open Schools, Renewed Communities” (1992), Systematic Education Reform: A Communitarianism Program (1993), Green Country Production (co-authored with Little John Cobb, 1993), The Path to Justice: The Philosophy and Economics of Henry George (2001). The article is based on the author’s speech last year at Beijing Normal University.