
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackcat
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Fusion of the collagen type I α 1 (COL1A1) gene with the platelet-derived growth factor B-chain (PDGFB) gene has been descr-ibed in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans(DFSP).Various exons of the COL1A1 gene have been shown to be involved in the fusion with exon 2 of the PDGFB gene. We examined the breakpoints of the COL1A1 gene using the tumour specimens from four patients with DFSP. The COL1A1-PDGFB fusion transcripts were detected from the cultured tumour cells by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Sequence analysis revealed that the ends of exons 23, 25, 26 and 36 in the COL1A1 gene were fusedwith the start of exon 2 in the PDGFB. This study identified three novel COL1A1 breakpoints: exons 23, 26 and 36 of the COL1A1 gene. In one case, the tumour was composed of two areas that differed in cytological atypia, cellularity and mitotic activity, indicating the de-differentiation of the tumour. In tumour cells from two different areas the same aberrant fusion transcripts were identified. These results suggest that the dedifferentiation of tumour cells has nothing to do with the specific breakpoints of the COL1A1 gene,depends on other unknown factors.
安荣说,每次出发,都会将自己的照片分享在朋友圈,想影响更多朋友主动陪伴母亲。这个时候,会有人告诉她,安荣你妈妈真幸福,可以有你陪着旅行。但是有一两个朋友会说,安荣,你真幸福,还能有妈妈陪着旅行!  母亲因车祸受刺激不幸患上抑郁症,为了让老人四处走走去散心,女儿带着妈妈开始了环球旅行。6年来,她陪着87岁的老母游历了马尔代夫、韩国、塞浦路斯和印尼、美国等十几个国家和地区,推坏5把轮椅。令人惊奇的是,
这是一个特殊的群体,他们在中国近十年的临床研究发展中可以说是功不可没。临床研究者通过他们的言行、工作,知道了什么是真正的 This is a special group of people who ca
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