目的 确定情绪反思和工作-生活整合的关系受到道德勇气机制的影响,更好地理解这些概念的重要性,使护士能够在工作-生活整合方面制订更好的应对策略.方法 采用横断面调查研究,对来自17所医院的249名护士进行问卷调查,包括普通护士、ICU护士、手术室护士、儿科护士.应用人口信息调查表、生活目标反思量表(Life Project Reflexivity Scale,LPRS)、护士道德勇气量表(Nurse's Moral Courage Scale,NM-CS)、工作-生活边界设定(Work-Life Boundary Enactment,WLBE)量表分别测量其情绪反思、工作-生活整合状况和勇气3个变量.通过系列多元回归分析对中介效应进行分析.结果 护士的情绪反思与工作-生活整合呈正相关(β=0.66,P<0.01);相关分析显示情绪反思和道德勇气之间呈正相关,但结构方程模型中不支持该路径(P=0.40),因此情绪反思与道德勇气之间的正相关关系假设不成立.多元回归分析显示勇气对于情绪反思和工作-生活整合之间的关系有部分调节作用(β=0.42,P<0.01).结论 研究显示情绪反思和工作-生活整合之间存在正相关关系.通过加强护士的情绪反思和道德勇气,他们的工作-生活整合可得到改善.“,”Objectives:This study aimed to determine the relationship between emotional reflexivity and work-life integration through the mechanism of moral courage and enhance our understanding of the importance of these nursing concepts to enable the nurses to develop better coping strategies for work-life integration.Methods:A cross-sectional survey was performed with 249 nurses,including staff nurses,ICU and critical care nurses,operation theatre nurses,pediatric nurses from 17 hospitals.Emotional Reflexivity,work-life integration,and courage were measured using a demographic information questionnaire,Life Project Reflexivity Scale (LPRS),Nurse's Moral Courage Scale (NMCS),and Work-Life Boundary Enactment(WLBE) scale.A series of multiple regressions analyzed the mediating effect.Results:Emotional Reflexivity was positively correlated with work-life integration (β =0.66,P < 0.01).There was a positive correlation between emotional reflexivity and moral courage.But the path did not get the necessary support in the structural equation modeling (SEM) (β =-0.13,P =0.40).When controlling for courage (β =0.42,P < 0.01),the association was significant between emotional reflexivity and work-life integration with partial mediation.Conclusion:The study reported a positive correlation between reflexivity and work-life integration.Thus,nurses' work-life integration becomes better by reinforcing their emotional reflexivity and moral courage.