推动中国HPC进入百亿亿次时代 浪潮Intel共建并行计算联合实验室

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近日,“浪潮-英特尔中国并行计算联合实验室”于北京正式揭牌成立。该实验室旨在推动中国“百亿亿次”超算系统架构与应用创新,建立高性能计算产业新技术生态环境,加速中国HPC进入“百亿亿次”时代。高性能计算机产业一直遵循着大约每10年性能提高1000倍的“摩尔定律”。随着2008年全球第一台千万亿次超级计算机的发布,未来十年最高性能 Recently, “Inspur - Intel China Parallel Computing Joint Laboratory” was officially set up in Beijing. The lab is designed to promote innovation in China’s “hundred billion” super-system architecture and applications, establish a new technological and ecological environment for HPC industry, and accelerate the entry of China’s HPC into the “hundred billion times” era. The high-performance computing industry has followed Moore’s Law, which is about 1,000 times more efficient every 10 years. With the release of the world’s first petaflop supercomputer in 2008, the highest performance over the next decade