“It was the best of times,it was the worst of times”(这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代)。19世纪中期,42岁的狄更斯在其发表的作品《艰难时世》中写下了这样一句广为传诵的名句。人们喜欢用这句话来形容矛盾又复杂的社会环境,以及躁动不安的生存境遇。回首即将过去的2012年,中国家电业所面对的困难与际遇也恰恰印证了这句话所描述的现状。的确,2012年的家电业平淡得让人乏味,艰难得让人揪心。除了电商发起的影响颇大但不甚高明的价格战外,几
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ” (This is the best time, this is the worst time). In the mid-19th century, 42-year-old Dickens wrote such a famous phrase in his published book, Tough Times. People like to use this sentence to describe the contradictory and complex social environment, as well as restless living conditions. Looking back to the past in 2012, China’s home appliance industry is facing the difficulties and the situation just confirms the status quo described in this sentence. Indeed, the appliance industry in 2012 was dull and tough. In addition to the electricity supplier launched a considerable impact but not very clever price war, a few