The wheat genomic DNA was amplified from 600 SSR pairs, 391 pairs of EST-SSRs, 35 pairs of STSs and 149 pairs of PLUG primers, respectively, to analyze the genomic DNA of common wheat varieties YN001 and Wheat grass versatility. 398 (66.3%) pairs of SSRs, 294 (75.2%) pairs of EST-SSRs, 33 (94.3%) pairs of STSs and 126 (84.6%) pairs of PLUG primers had a clear amplification band in P. elongata, The primers with the polymorphic amplifications of 61%, 68.0%, 82.9% and 79.9%, respectively, showed that these four primers could be used in the genetic studies of S. elongata, but STS And PLUG primers better than SSR and EST-SSR. Further analysis of the core unit composition of the genomic SSR and EST-SSR primers found that the two primers amplified efficiently dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats as the main type.