沉积物粒度是反映湿地沉积环境的重要指标之一.利用Mastersizer 2000型激光粒度仪对取自福建洛阳江河口不同类型湿地的6根短柱状沉积物样品进行了粒度分析.结果显示,该地区沉积物基本为粘土质粉砂,红树林湿地内的沉积物最细,分选程度最好;互花米草湿地圈闭了大量水流带来的粗、细颗粒物质,导致平均粒径相对较大,分选相对较差.粒度参数的相关分析结果显示,平均粒径与分选系数的显著正线性相关,揭示了该地区水动力作用弱、物质来源单一的沉积环境,显著增加了河口湿地沉积速率.
Sediment grain size is one of the most important indicators to reflect the sedimentary environment of the wetland.The particle size analysis of six short column sediment samples collected from different types of wetlands in the Luoyang estuary of Fujian Province was carried out by using the Mastersizer 2000 laser particle size analyzer.The results showed that the sediment The sediment in mangrove wetland is the finest and the degree of sorting is the best. Spartina alterniflora wetlands trap coarse and fine particulate matter caused by a large amount of water flow, resulting in a relatively large average particle size , The sorting is relatively poor.The correlation analysis of the particle size parameter shows that the average particle size is significantly positively correlated with the sorting coefficient, revealing the sedimentary environment with weak hydrodynamic force and single material source in the area, significantly increasing the deposition of estuary wetlands rate.