葛根汤出自后汉医学大师张仲景《伤寒论·辨太阳病脉证并治中篇》是由葛根、麻黄,桂枝、白芍、炙草、生姜、大枣七味药组成,原治太阳病,项背强几几,无汗,恶风,及口噤不得语,欲作刚痉之证。临床上用于鼻鼽,瘾疹等病证,效果显著,现介绍如下。 1 鼻鼽 患者李某,20岁。素体较弱,每至冬春,易招外感,风寒外袭,则鼻塞,鼻流清涕,喷嚏频作,头目不清,曾去几家医院五官科诊治,诊
Pu Gen Tang was born from the Master of Medicine of the Later Han Dynasty. Zhang Zhongjing, “Treatise on Cold, Identify Sun Disease, Treat Syndrome and Rule the Middle Chapter,” is composed of Pueraria lobata, Ephedra, Guizhi, Begonia, Valerian, Ginger, and Jujube Qiwei Herbs. Strong a few, no sweat, evil wind, and mouthfuls can not be language, want to make a testimony. Clinically used for epistaxis, urticaria and other illnesses, the effect is significant, are described below. 1 Sickness patient Lee, 20 years old. The body is weak, every spring and spring, easy to recruit exogenous, cold outside attack, the stuffy nose, nasal clearing, frequent sneezing, unclear head, once went to several hospitals ENT diagnosis and treatment, diagnosis