“不要学鸵鸟,一遇到危险就把头埋在沙子里。”这句警语真的对吗?鸵鸟真的是因为害怕才把头埋在沙子里的吗?看起来动物学家不认可这个观点呢。一起来看看真相吧。 When frightened, ostriches instinctively bury their heads in the sand in the hopes that trouble will pass them by — or so
科学家说,这么多年你用卫生间的方法可能都是错的,你的方法很容易造成各种健康隐患。真的吗?那么正确的用法是什么? There’s an emerging school of thought that claims our traditional way of defecating — sitting on a toilet with our knees at a 90-degree angle —
炎热的夏天,每天都要洗澡,想想也是件麻烦事。为什么要洗澡呢,如果大家都不洗澡就好了。什么,不洗澡会有生命危险?!来看看为什么。 Think about what’s going to happen if you decide to stop bathing: You’ll smell bad. Your skin and hair gets dirtier and dirtier. You
Sacrificing sleep and skipping meals to study in quest for academic excellence actually doesn’t work, a new Harvard study into “grit” has revealed. Children who strive for excellence tend to be seen