流动注射分析是七十年代迅速发展起来的一种湿化学分析技术。具有快速、简便、精度高、试剂省等许多优点,是常规分析,特别是大批分析的有力工具。目前国内流注分析技术应用不多的一个重要原因是不易获得仪器装置。本文设计制作了必要的部件,利用721型分光光度计组装了一台简易流注光度分析装置,用于地质样品中钛、铁的光度测定,收到良好效果。 1.部件制作与组装:流注分析仪器主要由载流驱动单元、进样阀、检测器以及分析管路组成。 (1)载流驱动单元:流注分析装置多采用蠕动泵驱动载流流动。本文利用马里奥特容器能保持恒定液
Flow injection analysis is a rapid development in the seventies of a wet chemical analysis technology. Fast, simple, high precision, reagent province, and many other advantages, is a powerful tool for routine analysis, especially large-scale analysis. At present, an important reason why there is not much application of flow injection analysis technology in our country is that it is not easy to obtain the apparatus. This article designed and produced the necessary components, the use of 721 spectrophotometer assembly of a simple flow injection spectrophotometer for geological samples of titanium, iron photometric determination, received good results. 1. Parts production and assembly: Infusion analysis instrument mainly consists of current-carrying drive unit, injection valve, detector and analysis pipeline. (1) current-carrying drive unit: flow injection analysis device to use more peristaltic pump-driven carrier flow. This article uses Mario containers to maintain a constant liquid