
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linhom222
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An aircraft tractor plays a significant role as a kind of important marine transport and support equipment. It’s necessary to study its controlling and manoeuvring stability to improve operation efficiency. A virtual prototyping model of the tractor-aircraft system based on Lagrange’s equation of the first kind with Lagrange mutipliers was established in this paper. According to the towing characteristics, a path-tracking controller using fuzzy logic theory was designed. Direction control herein was carried out through a compensatory tracking approach. Interactive co-simulation was performed to validate the path-tracking behavior in closed-loop. Simulation results indicated that the tractor followed the reference courses precisely on a flat ground. It’s necessary to study its controlling and manoeuvring stability to improve operation efficiency. A virtual prototyping model of the tractor-aircraft system based on Lagrange’s equation of the first kind with Lagrangian mutipliers was established in this paper. According to the towing characteristics, a path-tracking controller using fuzzy logic theory was designed. Direction co-simulation was performed to validate the path- tracking behavior in closed-loop. Simulation results indicated that the tractor followed the reference courses precisely on a flat ground.
<正> 在我们的哲学教科书中,把全部认识形式归结为感性认识和理性认识这两种认识形式。现在看来,这两种认识形式似乎还难以囊括人类的全部认识领域,我们认为,在这两种认识形式之外,还有第三种认识形式,这就是体验认识。一、体验认识的规定体验认识是什么?众说纷纭。柏拉图称之为“迷狂状态”,弗洛伊德喻之为“汪洋般的感受”,马斯洛名之为“高峰体验”,中国古代的先哲们以“虚静”、“心斋”、“顿悟”等
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午睡的铁  我相信不是我的脚步  惊动了他  他是被其中某块铁喊醒的  一个午后  我走过镇里的铁匠铺  看到午睡的铁匠正从  包围他的一堆铁件中醒来  一块铁  也躺在那里午睡  它显然比铁匠还要疲惫  直到被夹进火炉  铁也只是翻了个身  又继续沉睡  脸庞比炉火还红的铁匠  一边打着哈欠  一边抡起锤子  向那块铁用力砸去  叮叮当当的响声  便从铁的身上一跃而起  一块铁开始被另一块铁  
随着北京公交的改革发展,车型、车种不断更新,技术含量不断提高,电车保修厂在改革发展中又有新举措。他们充分挖掘潜力,积极探索,把加强科技创新、技术攻关, With the refo