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数学来源于生活又服务于生活.通过研究性学习与社会实践,我们不但可以找到数学概念在生活中的原型和数学规律在生活中的实例,而且可以学会用数学“语言”描述生活,建立解决各种问题的数学模型.一、洗衣服问题我们用肥皂洗好衣服时,需要把水分挤出来,但不可能把水挤干,衣服中还残留着一定量的水分.假设挤出水分后的衣服上还残留含污物的水1千克,现用20千克清水洗涤.假设在每次洗涤时污物都能充分均匀地溶于水中,问怎样洗涤衣服才能更干净?二、构造模型,解决问题把衣服放到20千克清水中,连同衣服上那1千克污 Mathematics comes from life and serves life. Through research learning and social practice, we can not only find the prototypes of mathematical concepts in life and examples of the laws of mathematics in life, but also learn to describe life in terms of mathematics, “language”. Establish a mathematical model to solve various problems. First, the laundry problem When we wash clothes with soap, we need to squeeze out the water, but it is impossible to squeeze the water, there is still a certain amount of moisture in the clothes. Assuming that the extrusion of water After the clothes still contain 1kg of dirt-contaminated water, which is now washed with 20kg of clear water. It is assumed that the dirt can be fully and uniformly dissolved in the water in each wash, and how to wash the clothes can be cleaner? Second, the structural model To solve the problem and put the clothes into 20 kg of clear water, together with the 1 kg of the clothes
对于那帮一起参加救援的兄弟,虎行说:“他们希望永远不要在灾区见,但他们往往只能在灾区见面。”  灾难瞬间袭来,那些在地震的石块中、在肆虐的洪灾中,以及在台风的蹂躏中挣扎等待救援的人,无时不渴望一双有力的手把他们拉出来。民间救援队无疑带来了一线生命的希望。民间草根力量自发组织了一支支救人于危难的队伍,他们自掏腰包购买装备、征集物资,冒着生命危险第一时间奔赴灾区现场……  乘着“绿舟”去救援  北京西
出了火车站,苏铁失魂落魄般地走在大街上。春雨淅淅沥沥地下着,淋湿了他单薄的衣衫。他隐隐约约听到有人在如痴如醉地吹奏着萨克斯,是那曲再也熟悉不过的《回家》。苏铁苦笑了一下,自从三年前因酒后失手致人伤残入狱后,先是唯一健在的母亲受不了沉重的打击,撒手西去,紧接着妻子又跟人远走高飞。现在,他是个无家可归的人。  今天,他之所以回到这座他生活了多年的城市,是为了跳进清江结束自己的生命。几十年的光阴,都是在