据了解,近年来一些地方行政执法部门在执法过程中,被不法分子围攻,打伤以至于杀害等暴力抗法事件屡有发生,类似瑞安这样的事件每年都有上百起。仅今年上半年,全国技术监督系统就遭遇了数十起。应该引起各级主管部门的重视了。 国有国法,家有家规。既然《产品质量法》、《计量法》、《标准化法》被称之为国法,那么我们每个公民每个法人单位就必须严格遵守它,违法者就必须绳之于法,决不可姑息养奸。更不可为保护地方的蝇头小利,而置国家、人民的大利而不顾。
It is understood that in recent years some local administrative law enforcement departments have been besieged by criminals during the law enforcement process and wounded so much so that violence and anti-law incidents such as killing have taken place frequently. Hundreds of incidents such as Ryan occur each year. In the first half of this year alone, the national technical supervision system has hit dozens of cases. It should arouse the attention of the competent departments at all levels. State-owned country law, family house rules. Since the Law on Product Quality, the Metrology and the Law on Standardization are called state law, each of our citizens must strictly abide by it in every legal entity and the offenders must be brought to justice and must not be tolerated. Not to protect the local petty profits, and set the country, the people of Italy and regardless.