我接触过不少领导干部,都说“忙”。 是啊,企业改革进入攻坚阶段,经济发展到了关键时期,“政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定的因素”,当领导的怎么不忙呢? 忙,领导干部的确忙。但我认为,并不是所有的领导干部都明白:哪些该忙,哪些不该忙,哪些该怎么忙,哪些不该怎么忙。不能一个“忙”字了之。 现在,不少干部出门有小车,作报告、讲话有人起草,下基层听汇报作记录有随行人员……领导还会为这些事忙吗?不会吧。
I have been in contact with many leading cadres and all say “busy.” Yes, enterprise reform has entered a crucial stage and economic development has reached a crucial stage. “After the political line is established, cadres are the deciding factors.” When the leaders are not busy, what are they doing? Busy and leading cadres are indeed busy. But I do not think all of the leading cadres will understand: what should be busy, what should not be busy, what should be done, and what should not be done. Can not be a “busy” word of it. Now, many cadres go out for cars and make reports. Some people have drafted their speeches and the grassroots people listening to the reports have recorded the entourage. Will the leaders be busy with these things?