近两年来,湖南省津市市采取“三联三查”措施.做到了低保申请及时审检审批,发生变化及时办理增减、停发手续,基本实现了低保对象进出“两畅通”的良性循环。 一、部门联手,查收入增减变化。一是与社会保障部门联手。市低保中心主动与社保.失业保险等机构联手运行,实行“三条保障线”接轨作业。每季度,他们与社保、失业保险等部门
In the past two years, the municipality of Tsu City, Hunan Province, adopted the measures of “triple inspection and check in three directions.” The Company has made timely application for vetting and approval of applications for subsistence allowances and has made changes in time to handle the formalities of increasing, decreasing or stopping. A virtuous circle. First, the department together to check income changes. First, work together with the social security department. City Center for Social Security initiative and social security. Unemployment insurance and other agencies jointly run, the implementation of “three security line” operation. Every quarter, they and social security, unemployment insurance and other departments