“Book-shaped learning ” is Kang Youwei’s book study point of view, I think it is also a calligraphy aesthetic proposition, it is very important for today’s calligraphy education. The new mode of teaching art tutors in the new century is a supplement to the current higher education of calligraphy. This kind of teaching mode lies between the national education and the apprentice master, taking both the shortcomings of the two, Vitality National Academy of Painting and calligraphy on two art categories has opened more than 40 mentor studio, more than 600 students a year, more than 10 years, drawing, calligraphy community trained a large number of talents. National Art Gallery Hu Kangmei, Zeng Xiang studio calligraphy education, and seal cutting and painting. Katsumi summer, in order to test and consolidate the teaching results, two