公元 1 992年是中国现代史上极不平凡的一年。在邓小平同志于是年春的南巡讲话精神的推动下 ,同年 1 0月 ,中国共产党第十四次代表大会第一次明确提出 ,我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制。这标志着 ,中国社会主义经济运行方式不再是计划经济 ,而是市场经济。
Year 992 is an extraordinary year in the modern history of China. Driven by the spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech in the spring of next year, the fourteenth congress of the Communist Party of China made it clear for the first time in October that same year that the goal of China’s economic structural reform is to establish a socialist market economic system. This shows that the mode of operation of China’s socialist economy is no longer a planned economy but a market economy.