To provide rural areas with suitable information for developing diversified operations, in the minds of scientists and technologists, there must first be a map of mountain water resources and a weather chart. Then, to extensive collection of scientific literature, take these documents and data “atlas” for comparison. Topics should pay attention to adaptability, play local characteristics and advantages, but also consider the promotion of value, accordingly, to filter, to find the best project to. Before compilation, it is necessary to have extensive possession of information, carry out on-the-spot investigations, visit experts or experts, and make up for the lack of materials so as to bring the theory and practice closer together and facilitate the local processing of the material. According to the survey, at present, the rural masses like to have special narratives, detailed and specific technical materials that are convenient for the application of the theme book and prescription genres. The preparation of the contents of the special intelligence information should be of practical value, market analysis, technical knowledge of the complete system