Have you ever considered buying a business/VIP helicopter for leisure or business? Read on to find out why it is necessary to own a VIP helicopter and how to select your best fit.
Victoria Beckham made the headlines again. This time it is not about her husband Beckham, her daughter Seven, nor her fashion brand dVd, but because she flies to her son Brooklyn's “parents' evening” aboard a helicopter.
The media might be overreacting about Victoria helicopter ride because she is a star. But in many metropolitan cities of Europe and America, dozens of VIP helicopters take off and land every day on which business tycoons or statesmen are preparing negotiations through satellite communication or toasting for their recent successful campaign.
Helicopter is a preferred vehicle for short distance travel and city commute. Even more so for VIP helicopters which offer both the convenience and PR functions of a private jet, and the flexibility of taking off and landing anywhere ranging from the center of a factory complex to outside by your doorstep.
Due to different range, seats, avionics, and engines, the price of VIP helicopters may vary from 50 million RMB for a light helicopter, such as EC135, to over 100 million RMB for a medium or large one, such as AW139, which sells at 130 million RMB.
In this report, U-Jet invites 5 helicopter users to share their experience about five popular VIP/business helicopters that have received CAAC airworthiness certificate.
而我选择它,首先是因为它被世界众多名流所青睐。2012年的伦敦奥运会开幕式上,英国女王和“007”(马克·萨顿)空降开幕式现场时乘坐的便是AW139;俄罗斯前总统暨现总理梅德韦杰夫对这款直升机也是喜爱有加,还专门从意大利定制。大中华区比较早购买AW139的是香港的空中快线公司,他们有一条赫赫有名的航线,即专门从深圳飞澳门,其乘客中有大量从深圳到澳门CASINO去消费的高端乘客,在这个航线上服务的就是AW139。另外,AW139还是国内多家警用航空部门的首选机型,并占据了国内警用航空市场很大的份额。 其次是AW139直升机出众的性能。在决定购买AW139之前,我接触过麦道MD902、西科斯基S76C++、欧直EC135、贝尔Bell429等众多机型,但我的这款民用版的AW139直升机可以说是对这些直升机的一次全面升级,包括速度、航程、豪华舒适程度和安全性等。在目前全球中型高端商务直升机中,AW139是最畅销的一款。它的客舱容积达到了8立方米,行李舱的容积达到了4.3立方米,是同级别机型中空间最大的,非常宽敞。有朋友跟我说要在AW139客舱里放进一张麻将桌,我觉得完全没有问题。它的载客数量最多可达15人,其科学的客舱设计可以进行灵活布局,可以在4、5、8、12等座位布局之间灵活选择。它的最大航程完全可以让我从上海直飞青岛。而且AW139给我一种厚重、结实、霸气的感觉,但飞起来一点都不笨重,流线型的机身加上其出色的传动系统,能够把发动机的性能发挥得淋漓尽致。
I own more than one helicopter. But AW139 is my first business helicopter. By price, AW139 is among the top VIP rides. A standard configured AW139 is priced at 12.15 million USD. Customization is optional at extra cost.
I select AW139 first because it is recognized by worldwide celebrities. The helicopter taken by the Queen and 007 to the 2012 London Olympics is a AW139. Current Prime minister and former President of Russia Medvedev loves it so much that he ordered one from Italy. Sky Shuttle in Hong Kong is among the earliest operators in Greater China to buy AW139s. A reputed AW139 service of the the operator is its flights between Shenzhen and Macau that carries wealthy individuals to the casinos in Macau. AW139 takes up a very big markets share in China and is a preferred choice for police aviation departments across China.
The second reason is its outstanding performance. Compared with MD902, S76C++, EC135 and Bell429, AW139 excels in every aspect from speed, range, comfort, to safety. It is one of the best selling medium-size high-end business helicopters and has the largest cabin in its class. The 8 cubic meter cabin can seat at most 15 passengers with options for a 4, 5, 8, or 12 seat configuration. It also has a 4.3 cubic meter baggage hold. As a friend of mine says, I can even install a mahjong table in the cabin. Its maximun range can satisfy my travel needs between Shanghai and Qingdao. It looks tough, sturdy, and agressive, but it is not at all cumbersome. Its aerodynamic design and outstanding control system could give full play to its engine performance.
Mr. Zhou·AW139 owner·Chairman of a Estate Development Corporation
Have you ever considered buying a business/VIP helicopter for leisure or business? Read on to find out why it is necessary to own a VIP helicopter and how to select your best fit.
Victoria Beckham made the headlines again. This time it is not about her husband Beckham, her daughter Seven, nor her fashion brand dVd, but because she flies to her son Brooklyn's “parents' evening” aboard a helicopter.
The media might be overreacting about Victoria helicopter ride because she is a star. But in many metropolitan cities of Europe and America, dozens of VIP helicopters take off and land every day on which business tycoons or statesmen are preparing negotiations through satellite communication or toasting for their recent successful campaign.
Helicopter is a preferred vehicle for short distance travel and city commute. Even more so for VIP helicopters which offer both the convenience and PR functions of a private jet, and the flexibility of taking off and landing anywhere ranging from the center of a factory complex to outside by your doorstep.
Due to different range, seats, avionics, and engines, the price of VIP helicopters may vary from 50 million RMB for a light helicopter, such as EC135, to over 100 million RMB for a medium or large one, such as AW139, which sells at 130 million RMB.
In this report, U-Jet invites 5 helicopter users to share their experience about five popular VIP/business helicopters that have received CAAC airworthiness certificate.
而我选择它,首先是因为它被世界众多名流所青睐。2012年的伦敦奥运会开幕式上,英国女王和“007”(马克·萨顿)空降开幕式现场时乘坐的便是AW139;俄罗斯前总统暨现总理梅德韦杰夫对这款直升机也是喜爱有加,还专门从意大利定制。大中华区比较早购买AW139的是香港的空中快线公司,他们有一条赫赫有名的航线,即专门从深圳飞澳门,其乘客中有大量从深圳到澳门CASINO去消费的高端乘客,在这个航线上服务的就是AW139。另外,AW139还是国内多家警用航空部门的首选机型,并占据了国内警用航空市场很大的份额。 其次是AW139直升机出众的性能。在决定购买AW139之前,我接触过麦道MD902、西科斯基S76C++、欧直EC135、贝尔Bell429等众多机型,但我的这款民用版的AW139直升机可以说是对这些直升机的一次全面升级,包括速度、航程、豪华舒适程度和安全性等。在目前全球中型高端商务直升机中,AW139是最畅销的一款。它的客舱容积达到了8立方米,行李舱的容积达到了4.3立方米,是同级别机型中空间最大的,非常宽敞。有朋友跟我说要在AW139客舱里放进一张麻将桌,我觉得完全没有问题。它的载客数量最多可达15人,其科学的客舱设计可以进行灵活布局,可以在4、5、8、12等座位布局之间灵活选择。它的最大航程完全可以让我从上海直飞青岛。而且AW139给我一种厚重、结实、霸气的感觉,但飞起来一点都不笨重,流线型的机身加上其出色的传动系统,能够把发动机的性能发挥得淋漓尽致。
I own more than one helicopter. But AW139 is my first business helicopter. By price, AW139 is among the top VIP rides. A standard configured AW139 is priced at 12.15 million USD. Customization is optional at extra cost.
I select AW139 first because it is recognized by worldwide celebrities. The helicopter taken by the Queen and 007 to the 2012 London Olympics is a AW139. Current Prime minister and former President of Russia Medvedev loves it so much that he ordered one from Italy. Sky Shuttle in Hong Kong is among the earliest operators in Greater China to buy AW139s. A reputed AW139 service of the the operator is its flights between Shenzhen and Macau that carries wealthy individuals to the casinos in Macau. AW139 takes up a very big markets share in China and is a preferred choice for police aviation departments across China.
The second reason is its outstanding performance. Compared with MD902, S76C++, EC135 and Bell429, AW139 excels in every aspect from speed, range, comfort, to safety. It is one of the best selling medium-size high-end business helicopters and has the largest cabin in its class. The 8 cubic meter cabin can seat at most 15 passengers with options for a 4, 5, 8, or 12 seat configuration. It also has a 4.3 cubic meter baggage hold. As a friend of mine says, I can even install a mahjong table in the cabin. Its maximun range can satisfy my travel needs between Shanghai and Qingdao. It looks tough, sturdy, and agressive, but it is not at all cumbersome. Its aerodynamic design and outstanding control system could give full play to its engine performance.
Mr. Zhou·AW139 owner·Chairman of a Estate Development Corporation