热烈庆祝建党 80周年7— 4 ·社论· 光辉的历程 光荣的使命 ———纪念中国共产党建党 80周年7— 5 西柏坡 :“进京赶考”的起点肖华文7— 6 首都建设战线上的一面旗帜 ———记北京市公用设施抢险大队何志军 朱腾运社 论8— 1 展中华雄姿 为奥运添
Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC 7- 4 · Editorial · The Glorious History The Glory of the Mission --- Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC 7-5 Xibaipo: The Starting Point for the “Entrance Examination to Beijing” Xiao Huawen 7- 6 One Side of the Capital Construction Front Banner --- remember Beijing public facilities rescue brigade He Zhijun Zhu Teng-yun editorial 8-1 exhibition in China pose for the Olympic Games Tim