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近年来,引入和加强竞争成为各国经济发展的一项重要机制,随着经济全球化与贸易自由化,竞争法的国际合作日益重要。反垄断法是竞争法律政策的重要组成部分,反垄断法的国际合作同样是竞争法律政策合作的一个重要方面。根据联合国贸易和发展会议秘书处的报告《竞争政策问题及所用机制方面国际合作的经验》,从广义理解,竞争法和竞争政策领域的国际合作可以涵盖五个方面“(1)旨在避免各国政府之间发生冲突的合作;(2)旨在便利执行反对限制性商业惯例的法规的合作; In recent years, the introduction and strengthening of competition has become an important mechanism for the economic development of all countries. With the globalization of economy and the liberalization of trade, the international cooperation in competition law has become increasingly important. Antitrust law is an important part of competition law and policy. International cooperation in antitrust law is also an important aspect of cooperation in legal and policy competition. According to the report of the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, ”Issues of competition policy and experience of international cooperation in the mechanisms used“, international cooperation in the field of broad understanding, competition law and policy may cover five aspects. ”(1) Conflicting cooperation among governments; (2) Cooperation aimed at facilitating enforcement of regulations against restrictive business practices;