In this paper, 33 cases of funnel chest disease in children under 14 years of chest X-ray chest morphology, ECG, echocardiography. The severity of the funnel chest was measured using the Wada Shokoro funnel index (FI). The incidence of X-ray increased (24.2%) and the increased incidence of Pv_1 index (21.2%) at the end of electrocardiogram were significantly higher than that of the control group, and the cardiothoracic ratio and final Pv 1 true index were positively correlated with FI, Speculated that its production is due to the funnel chest direct compression of the heart and the left heart after the shift and rotation caused. Echocardiography showed mitral valve prolapse (MVP) in 4 cases (12.1%), suggesting that the funnel chest and MVP are closely related. Clinical work should pay attention to the impact of the funnel chest on the heart, in case of funnel chest disease should be considered to do echocardiography.