针对当前尚缺乏对红外报警系统参数与性能仿真分析的研究现状,在Multisim 10中设计一种红外无线报警系统,采用双射束探测以提高红外作用距离,采用载波调制以提高红外发射效率,采用选频放大电路以提高系统抗干扰能力,采用调频发射电路以实现无线报警。结合系统理论参数及工作状态的分析,仿真测试结果表明,系统性能指标达到了设计要求。
In view of the current research status of infrared alarm system parameters and performance simulation analysis, an infrared wireless alarm system is designed in Multisim 10, with double beam detection to increase the infrared distance and carrier modulation to improve the infrared emission efficiency. Frequency selection amplifier circuit to improve anti-interference ability, the use of FM transmitter circuit to achieve wireless alarm. Combined with the analysis of theoretical parameters and working status of the system, simulation results show that the system performance meets the design requirements.