学习兴趣是一个人力求认识世界 ,渴望获得文化科学知识和不断探求真理而带有感情色彩的意向活动。外语学习兴趣是一个外语学习者力求认识世界 ,渴望获得外语知识而带有感情色彩的意向活动。外语学习兴趣是学生外语学习自觉性和积极性的核心因素。因此 ,英语教师一定要在学生学习英语的主要场所———英语课堂上 ,通过用英语组织教学、鼓励学生参与教学、充实规律性教学内容等多种手段 ,培养学生的外语学习兴趣
Learning interest is an intentional activity that seeks to understand the world, eager to gain access to cultural and scientific knowledge, and continually search for truth with emotion. Foreign language learning interest is a foreign language learners strive to understand the world, eager to obtain knowledge of foreign languages with the intention of emotional activities. Foreign language learning interest is a core factor in students’ self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning foreign languages. Therefore, the English teacher must be in English classroom, the main place where students learn English, through the organization of teaching in English, to encourage students to participate in teaching, enrich the content of regular teaching and other means to cultivate students’ interest in learning English