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小时候,觉得当老师是一件很遥远的事。看着老师们能够滔滔不绝,且能歌善舞,心里既钦佩又自卑。自己不会说,不会唱,更不会跳,肯定当不了老师。可是阴差阳错的,十几年过去后,我也成了一名光荣的小学老师。当我站在那庄严的三尺讲台上时,看着下面那么多双渴求知识的眼睛,心里产生了恐惧。面对这些可爱的孩子,我不知道以怎样的姿态去面对他们。但是两年下来,在孩子们的全力帮助下,我已能够用一颗从容的心去面对他们。是他们,教 When I was a child, I felt it was a very distant thing to be a teacher. Watching the teachers can be endless, and singing and dancing, my heart is both admired and inferiority. I will not say, I will not sing, I will not jump, certainly can not be a teacher. However, there are some mistakes and mistakes. After a dozen years have passed, I have become a glorious primary school teacher. When I stood on the solemn three-foot podium, I looked at the eyes of so many desperate, knowledge-hungry people who were afraid of me. In the face of these lovely children, I do not know what kind of attitude to face them. But for two years, with the children’s full support, I was able to confront them with a calm heart. It is them, teaching
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