ESCALATING grain prices on the quotations billboard of the local agricultural produce bazaar are daily noted by Tianjin middle school teacher Ma Zhigang. “It’s a chain effect. First prices of rice and fl our went up, then those of the products made from them. Everything in the market is more expensive now,” he observes. This upswing of agricultural produce prices is nationwide. Since October 2006, prices of staple items, such as rice, fl our, edible oil and pork, have increased by varying margins. Those of rice and f lour have risen 10 to 20 percent.
ESCALATING grain prices on the quotations billboard of the local agricultural produce bazaar are daily noted by Tianjin middle school teacher Ma Zhigang. “It’s a chain effect. First prices of rice and fl our went up, then those of the products made from them. Everything. in the market is more expensive now, ”he observes. This upswing of agricultural produce prices is nationwide. Since October 2006, prices of staple items, such as rice, fl our, edible oil and pork, have increased by varying margins. rice and f lour have risen 10 to 20 percent.