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采用MD模拟方法研究了从常温到超临界条件下不同状态水的微观结构、氢键结构及氢键松弛的动态性质。模拟结果表明,随着温度的升高,成键分子中O…O间的平均距离基本保持不变,O…H间距离增加,水分子的氢键作用逐渐减弱,形成氢键的两水分子O…O-H取向角的分布呈线型分布的概率降低;同一温度下密度的变化对O-O、O-H径向分布函数和氢键的键角分布的影响不大。由于温度升高使氢原子热运动增强,水的四面体结构缺陷增加,氢键的平均寿命显著缩短,温度是影响氢键平均寿命的主要因素。 The dynamic properties of microstructure, hydrogen bonding structure and hydrogen bonding relaxation of water in different states from room temperature to supercritical conditions were studied by using MD simulation method. The simulation results show that as the temperature increases, the average distance between the O · O bonds in the bonding molecules remains unchanged, the distance between the O · H increases, the hydrogen bonding effect of the water molecules gradually weakens, and the two water molecules that form hydrogen bonds O ... OH orientation angle decreases linearly; the change of density at the same temperature has little effect on the OO, OH radial distribution function and the bond angle distribution of hydrogen bonds. Due to the increase of temperature, the hydrogen atom thermal motion is enhanced, the tetrahedron structure defect of water is increased, the average life span of hydrogen bond is shortened, and the temperature is the main factor that affects the average hydrogen-bond life.
写作,是人类有意识地用文字来记录当时的内心感受、表达自己意向的一种活动,写作的作用,小到可以丰富人们的生活,大到可以推动社会的进步。然而,当今的高中生们在写作问题上总是习惯了“围观”,提不起兴趣通过写作表达自己内心的真情实感。世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。只有让他们真正体会到写作的魅力所在,激发内心的创作灵感与热情,才能使他们真正成为独立思考的人。  一、引导学生做生活中的有心人,变“要我写”为
在日常教学中,我们经常会有这样的困惑:上课前自认为一堂课已经预设的近乎完美了,但是实际教学下来,却发现与自己的预期效果有着无法接受的差距:本该出彩的地方,课堂却平平淡淡;本该形成高潮的地方,学生却呆若木鸡;设想形成的课堂如活水般流动的场景不能呈现;理想中舒卷自如、张弛有度的课堂对话状态只能陷入“自演独角戏”的尴尬境地……  为什么一堂课自认为预设很好,而生成效果却不尽如人意?从我自身的多次反思与实