查烟毒为害,早為广大人民所深恶痛絕,本会为保護人民健康,恢復与發展生產,會於本年五月遵照中央人民政府政務院‘巖禁鴉片烟毒之通令’製定本區禁止烟毒實施辦法,佈告在案。惟尚有少數不肖之徒,玩忽禁令,偷運、走私、製造、販賣已屢有查獲。且目前秋種已近,本会为贯澈嚴禁烟毒法令,根絕毒害,特再重申前令: 一、為严厉禁止販運走私烟毒之罪惡行為,希我各群众团体及各界人民協助政府,嚴密檢查,组织緝私,其查獲有功者,政府当予适当獎勵,
As early as the abhorrence of the vast majority of the people, this Council, in order to protect the health of the people, restore and develop production, will proceed in May this year in accordance with the ordinance of the Rock Palace Opium Drugs Code of the Central People’s Government Prohibit the implementation of drug abuse, the bill is on the record. However, there are still a few unscrupulous disciplines who have repeatedly seized smuggling, smuggling, manufacturing and selling trafficked the ban. At present, the autumn planting is near. This Council will strictly abolish the Tobacco Poison Ordinance and eliminate the poisonous poison. We hereby reiterate the previous order: 1. To strictly prohibit the criminal acts of smuggling smuggling of narcotics and narcosis, I hope all mass organizations and people from all walks of life will assist the government, Tightly inspect, organize anti-smuggling, the seized meritorious, the government should be properly rewarded,