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对于一个企业而言,网络与电话都十分重要,但如果只让其选择一种的话, 相信绝大多数的企业将选择的是电话。目前,随着网络信息技术的发展,虽然基于 Internet 的数据应用在企业运营中已经变得越来越重要,但相对于企业的语音应用而言,网络还缺乏彻底替代电话的能力,语音应用还远比数据应用更为重要。自1876年3月10日贝尔发明电话以来,100多年,电话作为传递人类话音的基本功能虽无多大变化,但随着电话机在全世界的迅速普及,它已成为家庭和办公室的重要组成部分。无论是传统企业,还是新兴的高科技 IT 企业,虽然基于 Internet 的信息化进程日益加快,诸如 For a business, both the Internet and the phone are important, but if you choose only one, you believe most businesses will choose to be on the phone. At present, with the development of network information technology, although Internet-based data applications have become more and more important in enterprise operations, the network lacks the ability to completely replace the telephone in relation to enterprise voice applications. Voice applications Far more important than the data application. Since Bell invented the telephone on March 10, 1876, for more than 100 years, the basic functions of telephony as a human speech delivery have not changed much, but as the telephony rapidly spread throughout the world, it has become an important part of homes and offices . Whether traditional enterprises, or emerging high-tech IT companies, although the Internet-based information technology is accelerating, such as
2010 CQWW CW Contest结束了,心里久久不能平静,总想写点什么。想来想去,也没想到个合心意的主题,还是随意写写经历吧。前期准备虽然说这次竞赛时间是从 2010 CQWW CW Cont