PAGE 2/6自1993年以来,骑士队还从来没有一个中锋能在季后赛里至少奉上28分的贡献,这尘封了22年的纪录,在本赛季的总决赛上,半程加盟骑士的莫兹戈夫只用了32分钟就打破了。最终,他全场16投9中拿到28分,创造了个人职业生涯得分新高的同时还抓下了10个篮板。可能赛季过半骑士队用两个首轮选秀权换来这个俄罗斯小伙子让人不解,也可能当初他成了格里芬肆虐篮筐的背景时被很多人当成了软蛋,然而,镇守骑士队内线,攻防两端的成熟与强势,让人们开始重新审视这个外表娟秀,内心与作风强势的克利夫兰新当家大闸。
PAGE 2/6 Since 1993, the Cavs have never had a center capable of contributing a minimum of 28 points in the playoffs, dusting a 22-year record. In this season’s Finals, half-time Knights Mozgov broke in just 32 minutes. Eventually, he scored 28 points in 9 of 16 shots, creating a career-high score and grabbing 10 rebounds. Perhaps more than half of the season the Cavs puzzled with the two first-round picks in return for the Russian guy may also have been a lot of people as a soft egg when he became Griffin’s raging baskets, Inside, offensive and defensive mature and strong at both ends, so that people began to re-examine this appearance Juanxiu, heart and style of a strong new Cleveland gate.