纳米铜粉呈褐红色。由于粉末极细、化学活性强 ,一般存放在惰性气体或有机溶剂中。纳米铜粉的比表面大、表面活性中心数目多 ,在冶金和石油化工中是优良的催化剂。在高分子聚合物的氢化和脱氢反应中 ,纳米铜粉催化剂有极高的活性和选择性。在乙炔聚合反应用来制作导电纤维的过
Nano copper powder is brownish red. Due to its fine powder and chemical activity, it is generally stored in an inert gas or organic solvent. The nano-copper powder has a large specific surface area and a large number of surface active centers, and is an excellent catalyst in metallurgy and petrochemical industry. In the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of high-molecular polymers, nano-copper powder catalysts have extremely high activity and selectivity. In the polymerization of acetylene used to produce conductive fiber over