福建省总工会办公室报道日前,福建省总工会制定出台了镇街(园区)工会建设基本标准,对三类不同规模的镇街(园区)工会分类提出工会规范化建设应达到的基本要求。标准规定,镇街总工会和辖区内企业数在100家以上或者职工人数在1万人以上的镇街工会为一类镇街工会;辖区内企业数在30家以上或职工人数在3 0 0 0人以上的镇街工会为二类镇街工会;辖区内企业数少于3 0家并且职工人数少于
Fujian Federation of Trade Unions Office Recently, the Fujian Federation of Trade Unions promulgated the basic standards for the construction of trade unions in Zhenjie (Park), and proposed the basic requirements for the standardization of trade unions to the classification of the three types of trade unions of different sizes in Zhenjie (Park). The standard stipulates that the town and town trade unions with more than 100 enterprises and more than 100 enterprises in the town and township unions and in the area under their jurisdiction are township and town trade unions with a total number of enterprises in the jurisdiction of over 30 or with a workforce of 300 Townspeople unions over 0 people are the second type of town-street unions; the number of enterprises in the jurisdiction is less than 30 and the number of workers is less than