病史摘要 患者,男性,49岁。左上腹包块进行性增大3年。查体:心肺听诊无殊,腹部不对称,见静脉曲张,左中上腹明显隆起,超过腹正中线至脐下,约21cm×18cm,质硬,边界清,较固定无压痛。CT示左侧腹膜后肿瘤,左肾受压,与肿块呈抱球状,在全麻下行腹膜后肿瘤
Summary of patient history, male, 49 years old. Left upper quadrant mass increase of 3 years. Physical examination: cardiopulmonary auscultation, abdomen asymmetry, see varicose veins, the left upper abdomen was significantly elevated, more than the abdomen midline to the navel, about 21cm × 18cm, hard, clear border, more than a fixed no tenderness. CT showed left retroperitoneal tumor, left kidney pressure, and the tumor was spherical, under general anesthesia retroperitoneal tumor